The deputies and deputies are neutral with no opposition to the budget cantonal, which provides a benefit of 30 million francs. If the framework of a compromise is accepted, parliamentarians will accept a global change that will worsen the insurance problem.

If you vote, the budget is accepted with 92 or 7 abstentions. “The result is a rejouissant and a possibility of sustaining investments at a higher level, when it comes to the great défis of the modernization and the destruction of the infrastructure of the canton,” a statement by Crystel Graf.

The management of the finances requires “great prudence”, making the result higher than the extraordinary income (+40 million on a pledge with the federal performance and 27 million on the BNS accounts). She added that costs in healthcare, the social sector, education and mobility are not greater.

A compromise between trust and commission

By order, the deputies are wrong in agreeing to a compromise. When you’re concerned with running through modest budget deficits, it’s possible that government power will be unleashed by public political priorities.

The general amendment is accepted by 68 votes, 25 no and 7 abstentions. Il améliore au final d’environ 200,000 francs le budget.

The vast majority of OUR delegates are opposed, responding to the refusal of 1% in 2025 to the tax scale of the physical body. The proposal of the VertPOP group to pass the tax coefficient from 125 to 124, in order to preserve the autonomy of the municipalities, is a preferable one.

>> A little more: The Grand Conseil Neuchâtelois prefers the coefficient of tax calculations

With a 300,000 franc variant on the budget, the car is worth 5.9 million, but 6.2 million if the bar price is available is a reward.

Press the 150 millions in investments

The compromise of the committee is an additional authorization to increase the envelope of the insurance disaster of 1.5 million francs, for a total of 151 million – financed by the Confederation and the municipalities.

The budget for 2025 amounts to a net amount of 147 million francs, of which 22.6%. The operating revenues (for 2.5 billion) increase to 4.4% and the costs from 3% to 2.5 billion. There is an operating deficit of 36 million. The major salary loss amounts to 500 million francs.


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